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How It Works magazine subscription

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RRP $504.00
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RRP $1,008.00
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From the publisher

How It Works is the action-packed science and technology magazine bursting with exciting information about the world around us. Be inspired by everything from the planet's most bizarre creatures and unusual phenomena to the incredible technologies advancing and enhancing our modern lives.
Written and presented in a style that makes even the most complex subjects interesting and easy to understand, How It Works is enjoyed by readers of every age.

Regular Features
Environment: Come face-to-face with amazing plants and animals. Discover how volcanoes and earthquakes can unleash a power like no other, as well as the most extreme and unusual weather phenomena.
History: Discover the wonders of the ancient world, iconic buildings, groundbreaking weapons and warfare, revolutionary inventions and prehistoric creatures that once roamed the Earth.
Space: Take a virtual trip into outer space and be awed at the fascinating wonders that occur beyond the Earth's atmosphere, where galaxies collide, stars turn supernova and much more.
Technology: Takes apart everyday objects to find out what makes them tick, as well as uncovers the mind-boggling capabilities of futuristic gadgets.
Transport: Learn about the amazing engineering behind some of the world's fastest vehicles, discover how a new generation of airliners are changing the way we travel, and what the trains and planes of the future will look like.

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Please note this magazine will be a current issue at the time. For international titles please allow up to 10-13 weeks for your first delivery.

How It Works is published by Mag Nation, who handle delivery and stipulate the lead time shown above. Explore more titles from this publisher here.

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