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Nexus Magazine subscription

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12 months/6 issues
24 months/12 issues

From the publisher

NEXUS is a bi-monthly alternative news magazine covering health breakthroughs, future , science and technology, suppressed news, free energy, religious revisionism, conspiracy, the environment, history and ancient mysteries, the mind, UFOs, paranormal and the unexplained.

NEXUS Magazine is not affiliated with any political, religious or spiritual groups or organisations whatsoever, and has been published since 1986.

by Corrina
Nexus Magazine is an informative excellent read that I look forward to receiving every two months. I believe that people need to seriously start opening their minds to what is really going on in our world, & in the outer world. We are spiritual beings & need to learn more about ourselves. There is so much more that we as humans do not know & are not even aware of & Nexus brings many of those things to light. I urge anyone to read this magazine & just keep an open mind please.

Weeks delivery

All prices for magazine subscriptions listed on isubscribe include delivery.

Your subscription will begin with the next available issue and in most cases, your magazine will be in your hands before it goes on sale in the shops! Please allow up to 6-9 weeks for your first delivery to arrive.

Nexus Magazine is published by Nexus Magazine (NZ), who handle delivery and stipulate the lead time shown above.

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